More empty promises from Washington. Nothing new. Talk is cheap. Pakistanis have not seen results on the ground for a decade. The New York Times reports that President Obama has promised Pakistan's military leadership “unlimited” potential and looks forward to the Pakistani proposal for the upcoming battles against the militants. Strong words from the leader of the free world. The Pakistanis have been listening to these type of promises for decades---beginning with President Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and the Bushes. After a little bit of sprinkling called “aid”—Pakistan usually ends up on the sanctions list. Instead of a Marshall Plan, Islamabad usually is on the receiving end of a “Do More” mantra.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States is prepared to give Pakistan more help fighting al-Qaida forces if its government wants it. Gates, who arrived in Afghanistan late Monday, said it is Pakistan's "foot on the accelerator" when it comes to fighting terrorists. But he said the U.S. could provide more assistance "at any pace they are prepared to accept."
Does Islamabad really need to put a “proposal on the table”. Islamabad has routinely requested many things from the US. All of the requests have been turned down. Even those that are approved languish on desks or clog up disk space on obsolete emails databases. If the battery of US officials who visit Pakistan do not know what Pakistan needs, then they should all be fired and someone with real eyes should be hired to do a Requirements Gathering exercise.
Mr. Obama privately has promised Pakistani military and civilian leaders what one aide described as a partnership of “unlimited potential” in which Washington would consider any proposal Islamabad puts on the table. Congress has already authorized a $7.5 billion aid package, over five years, for schools, hospitals and other nonmilitary projects. But this won’t mean anything if it does not follow through and actually finance the program. The White House should also press Congress to pass long-stalled legislation to establish special trade preference zones in Pakistan. New York Times
“Friendship” doesn’t mean constant threats, and public abuse.
- A founding member of SEATO and CENTO Pakistan is the most abused “friend” on the USA. When Bharat (America’s new found friend) was busy supporting the USSR all through 50s,60,70s, and even the 80s, Pakistan was a Pro-Western ally of the USA which was a frontline state and was seminal in the destruction of the USSR.
- After the 1965 war Pakistan faced an arms embargo because Islamabad used US arms to defend herself against the aggression of Bharat (aka India).
- Pakistan was left defenseless in 1971 and was the only country after WW2 whose boundaries were changed-sanctifying aggression of Bharat.
- Pakistan was again used like a disposable friend after the country helped the US defeat the USSR.
For the past decade, since the war against Afghanistan started, Pakistan has lost 5000 military soldiers, more than any other country in the world.She faces daily bombs from Bharati funded and armed mercenaries, and all she got was a miserly $1.5 Billion in peanuts from the US. Half of that aid supports Obama’s stimulus package and is spent on US consultants, a fourth of which is wasted on US Admin expenses, and the rest—if any is doled out the US Ambassador’s favorite NGO. While Iraq got $650 billion in aid, and Afghanistan got $143 in US aid, Pakistan got $1.5 billion joke check. Pakistani roads and infrastructure are used and abused by NATO and ISAF forces and not repaired. Pakistan is not reimbursed in octroi tolls for usage of the roads.
For starters, the current Kerry Lugar US “Aid” bill to Pakistan should be immediately scrapped, and a real Aid bill approved on an emergency basis for Pakistan—something commensurate with Pakistani needs, and Islamabad’s requirements—not something that helps US consultants stimulate the American economy
Presuming security needs can be met, President Obama should visit Pakistan so he can tell Pakistanis directly that their fears of abandonment — or domination — are unfounded. Mr. Obama also must keep nudging India and Pakistan to improve relations. That may be the best hope for freeing up resources and mind-sets in Pakistan for the fight against the extremists.
Mr. Obama told a small group of journalists at a White House lunch last week that reducing tensions between the two nuclear rivals, though enormously difficult, is “as important as anything to the long-term stability of the region.” He is right. New York Times
Pakistan’s Frontier Constabulary needs 50,000 Humvees, 100 helicopters, 100,000 M-16s, 100,000 nigh vision glasses, a dozen predator drones, 3 FATA exclusive satellites, 6 AWACs, 100,000 bullet proof vests. The Frontier Corps needs 50 F-22s, 50 F-35s, 100 Apaches, 100 Chinooks, 50,000 MRVs, 150,000 Night vision gear kits, 150,000 Bullet proof vests, 100 Bofar guns, hellfire missiles, and 5000 surface to surface missiles. If President Obama was serious about the war, he would have transferred the much needed equipment instantly from the inventory of the US Army and US Air Force. None of this has happened.
The ROZ legislation languishes in Congress and the FTA with Pakistan has moved millimeters towards actualization.
There has been a lot of talk from this side of the Atlantic—little has been done to meet the needs of the civilian government or the military machinery of Pakistan.
“Unlimited partnership” does not mean use and abuse of Pakistani infrastructure and spilling of Pakistani blood (without appreciation). “Unlimited Partnership” means a massive Marshall Plan for Pakistan. The US and NATO should provide pensions and help to the relatives of those who have died in this war. Pakistan’s debt of about $50 billion needs to be wiped off. Pakistan needs $100 billion in direct annual grants. Pakistan needs 1000 US built hospitals, and 5000 US built schools. Pakistan needs 50 brand new American universities. The Indus Highway used by NATO and ISAF for the past decade is in a state of disrepair. NATO should construct The Indus Highway it on modern standards.. Pakistan needs a dozen new dams and it needs wind, solar, and nuclear energy. Pakistan needs bullet trains from Karachi to Torkham. Pakistan-American professionals can be hired to direct projects which could be built without corruption and wastage. Pakistani students should be given scholarships to US universities and to Universities in Europe Japan and Australia so that they can bring back the expertise. Pakistani businesses could be allowed to participate in US government bids for low security jobs. Japan, and Korea could be encouraged to build factories and plants in Pakistan. Denmark and Australia could improve the agriculture sector. The US should guarantee loans to the energy giants like GE and Enron who can setup power plants for Pakistan. Washington should allow ADM and other companies to improve the agriculture of Pakistan so that the food security of the region can be improved. Islamabad needs, better irrigation, better seeds, and refrigerated supply chain from the villages to the ports. Pakistan should get an FTA with the US, and all of Pakistan should be a Reconstruction Opportunity Zone (with free access to the US and European market).
If there is an unlimited partnership---Pakistanis need to see it—listening to the words gets old after a while.
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