Monday, October 02, 2006

An American Fall: A rapist, a pedophile, a murderer has no religion!

An American Fall
A rapist, a pedophile, a murderer has no religion!
Moin Ansari

“The season of mists mellow fruitfulness, close bosom friend of maturing sun”.
Lord Tennyson wrote an ode to Autumn. However if he was alive today, he would be ashamed of this fall.

This week my homeland, our sweet land of liberty was rocked by several despicable events of pedophilia, murder and violence. From the corridors of Congress, to the corridors of schools; from the steeples of our churches, to the cross-roads of our inner-cities, evil men violated innocence. This Fall will be remembered as a fall when we failed to protect our children. This fall our stars and stripes should be at half-mast. This week, America the beautiful got a scar on her beautiful face. This fall, our statue of liberty had a tear in her eyes.

These are not isolated incidents. From columbine to Central park, our society is plagued by violence and murder. We seem to be numb to the fact that more than 100,000-500,000 women are raped in our country each year. More than 10,000 humans are killed in our land every year. More than one million Americans are incarcerated of which 100,000 are women. These jailed women and men face additional violence on a daily basis. We are 5% of the world’s population but have 25% of the world prison population. All these factors point out to a deterioration of our society. Pedophilia is rampant on the internet, and even in our churches. This violence has no religion. Defining the religion of a criminal is non-productive, and displays latent bigotry. A criminal is a criminal.
It is time, that our Rabbis, Priests and Imams spoke out against this onslaught on our youth. The perpetuators of these and other crimes against other humans were not Christian rapists, Jewish violators, or Islamic killers. These thugs, murderers, killers and rapists have no religion, they are simply rapists, murderers, terrorists, and thugs period

Thousands of our military people have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan. Afghans and Iraqis have killed hundreds who are innocent. Sinhalese Buddhists fought tooth and nail against Hindu Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Ugandan Christian and Congolese Christians fought pitched battles against each other. However our media did not designate their religion. Only Muslim criminals and murderers were labeled by their religion.

This fall we continued the open hunting season on patriotic American citizens. This fall we continue to torture and jail people without trial, all in the name of freedom. This fall, some of the stars on our flag lost a bit of their twinkle. This fall we continued to defy the teachings of Jesus, Moses and Mohammad in the name of “war”. This fall, our founding fathers turned in their graves. This fall the halo on our land tilted a bit.
God Bless America! and Long Live America

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